Everyday a Woman is a journal I designed to facilitate personal growth in young woman, relating specifically to their monthly cycle. Recently, I had the experience of moving away from my home town, and during that time I experienced feeling physically and emotionally isolated from loved ones and friends. During that isolation, however, I experienced an immense amount of personal growth and self-understanding, especially in relation to my emotions, hormones, and menstrual cycle. When I was able to move back home, I wanted to develop a way to pursue that same kind of personal growth in a deeper and more practical way, and then share that method of growing with other young women. This desire and goal gave way to Everyday a Woman, a hypothetical design and brand centered around the personal growth of young women while informing them about their menstrual cycles.

The exterior journal design features a beautifully illustrated hardback cover that can be monogrammed to order. There are also three different color ways to choose from to fit different preferences and styles.

The journal opens with a short informational appendix that offers a detailed dive into the menstrual cycle, the different phases, and a breakdown of the typical 28-day cycle. The appendix also includes a comprehensive list of common symptoms experienced during each phase. This appendix is meant to be used as a reference when journaling. On a given day, if the woman using the journal is experiencing specific symptoms or emotions, she can reference this appendix for a better understanding of where she is in her cycle and thereby hopefully gain a better understanding of her mental/emotional state, hormonal patterns, and over-all well-being.

Everyday a Woman is first and foremost a journal. The book itself will be made up almost entirely of lined or unlined pages (preference for line or unlined can be specified to order) made for daily writing and reflecting. Every so often, a simple prompt of "Where are you?" will appear at the top of the page to encourage the user to stop, look back, and reflect on how she's grown as she has used the journal.